How to ace the GRE
Preparing for the GRE can be extremely stressful. Especially if you do not know what to do. Following a study plan will make it a bit easier. During my preparation, I had followed the Two Month Study by GregMat and scored 330 (V: 161, Q:169, AWA: 4.0). It is a comprehensive study plan which covers almost everything that you need to ace your GRE. However, if you are unwilling to get a paid subscription, you can follow these guides. I have organized the essential tips and strategies from free resources available on the internet (GregMat’s free contents cover most of it).
First, you need to get familiar with GRE. The following videos cover the test structure, adaptive scoring algorithm, and the materials you should use.
Before going any further, you should go through the ETS Math Review guide. After finishing it, open a fake ETS account with an American address and take the Power Prep 1 (you can skip the analytical writing part if you want). Once you are done with your first mock test, analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Now, you are ready to roll!
Most non-native speakers find verbal to be tricky. The plethora of words and complex passages will catch anyone off guard. Mastering the words and strategies mentioned below may help you tame the beast.
Question types:
- Reading comprehension
- Text completion
- Sentence equivalence
840-words from Gregmat’s word list (Set 1 - 28). Study each set for two days and take the quiz on the second day. Do more if you have the time.
Set 1 - Test 1 | Set 2 - Test 2 | Set 3 - Test 3 | Set 4 - Test 4 |
Set 5 - Test 5 | Set 6 - Test 6 | Set 7 - Test 7 | Set 8 - Test 8 |
Set 9 - Test 9 | Set 10 - Test 10 | Set 11 - Test 11 | Set 12 - Test 12 |
Set 13 - Test 13 | Set 14 - Test 14 | Set 15 - Test 15 | Set 16 - Test 16 |
Set 17 - Test 17 | Set 18 - Test 18 | Set 19 - Test 19 | Set 20 - Test 20 |
Set 21 - Test 21 | Set 22 - Test 22 | Set 23 - Test 23 | Set 24 - Test 24 |
Set 25 - Test 25 | Set 26 - Test 26 | Set 27 - Test 27 | Set 28 - Test 28 |
Reading comprehension
Short passage:
Long passage:
Text completion
Sentence equivalence
Greg Mat’s approach to Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence
You may think quant to be easy, especially if you are an engineer! However, do not get surprised if you score way below your expectation in the mock test. Although the concepts are “easy”, the questions are not! You need to be aware of the traps set by ETS. So, prepare well!
Mathematical content area:
- Arithmetic
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Data analysis
Question types:
- Quantitative comparison
- Multiple choice
- Numeric entry
Things to memorize
- Primes between 1 - 100:
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97
- 21 to 211, 31 to 36, 41 to 44, 51 to 54
- Divisibility rules
- Pythagorean triplets
- 45°-45°-90° triangle
- 30°-60°-90° triangle
The most neglected part of the exam. Even I am guilty of that! To get a good score, you need to prepare well from the beginning. Not the night before the exam. Writing two essays in one hour (30 minutes each) can be challenging.
Essay types: